The National Cadet Corps Officers Training Academy (NCC OTA), is located in Gwalior opposite the Railway Station. On its inception in 1964, the school was called "NCC College for Women". It was subsequently designated as the NCC, Women Officers' Training School (WOTS), & thereafter, renamed as the OTA with effect from Nov 2002. The Academy is the only one of its kind in Asia and is meant for training NCC Whole Time Lady Officers, Lady Associate NCC Officers and Girl Cadet Instructors. The school also runs periodical Refresher Courses for these officers. From 2004, this institution was entrusted with the responsibility to conduct Personality Development Courses for eligible girl cadets to prepare them for the SSB. This Academy also conducts Part I of PRCN training of Lady Associate NCC Officers of Air and Naval Wings of NCC. Due to changes in syllabus, enhancement of scope and additional courses, there is a requirement of revising joining instructions with a view to make them more comprehensive and informative
Course | No. of Course | Duration | Auth Str/ Course | Total |
Pre-Commission JW/SW (PRCN) | 2 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
Cert Entry Course, | 2 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
Girl Cdt Instr Entry | 2 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
WTLO Refresher | 1 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
Refresher JW/SW | 1 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
Girl Cdt Intrs Refresher | 1 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
AF/Navy PRCN | 1 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
PDC/SSB Capsule | 2 | 10 | 50 | 100 |
(i) Direct Entry. Direct entry to become permanent commissioned officer. The duration is of six months, on dates as intimated when required
(ii) Departmental. Departmental entry for GCIs to WTLOs. This course is of three months duration conducted as per requirement on dates to be intimated separately.
(i) PRCN & CEC/GD/SW. Pre-Commission Training Course for Senior Wing Lady Officer Cadets i.e, ANOs and Certificate Entry Course (Basic Course for ANOs getting direct commission) . The duration of the course is of three months (90 Days).
(ii) PRCN & CEC/GD/JW. Pre-Commission Training Course for Junior Wing Lady Officer Cadets i.e, ANOs and Certificate Entry Course (Basic Course for ANOs getting direct commission) . The duration of the course is of three months (90 Days).
(iii) PRCN (Part I) Air Force and Navy. Basic PRCN training to Lady Associate NCC Officers of Air and Naval Wings for 21 days.
GCI Intake Course for ex NCC Girl Cadets to become Girl Cadet Instructors on whole time basis.
The duration is of three months (90 Days).
(i) WTLO Ref. Refresher Course for Whole Time Lady Officers for one month (30 Days) duration. Conducted once a year on as required basis.
(ii) Ref-Cum-Pro/SW. Refresher Cum Promotion Courses for Senior Wing Officers, i.e, ANOs. Duration is of one month (30 days).
(iii) Ref-Cum-Pro/JW. Refresher Cum Promotion Course for Junior Wing Officers, i.e, ANOs.Duration is of one month (30 days).
(iv) Ref-Cum-Pro/GCI. Refresher Training Course for GCIs. Conducted once a year for duration of 30 days on as required basis.
Two courses of 102 Cadets each. Each course is of 10 days duration.
Drill, shooting, Physical fitness, map reading, First aid, Gliding/Flying, boat pulling, sailing and camp training covering basic of military training in Army, Navy and Air Force.
This training is mostly carried out in schools and colleges by the cadets. In addition, depending upon the type of service, basic knowledge of that service is imparted to the cadets e.g gliding , powered flying for Air Wing cadets and boat pulling, sailing for Naval Wing cadets form part of institutional training. These activities comprise approximately 50% of the entire syllabus.
This is the most imp aspect of NCC Trg and hence great emphasis on institutional trg to be given. State DDG’s to issue comprehensive instrs on organising the Institutional Trg at Gp / Unit level.
Following actions will be taken to improve the standard of trg.
Cadets must be made to understand the aim and purpose of teaching drill, so that they are suitably motivated and do not take it as “fatigue”. Emphasis will be laid on correct bearing, marching, saluting and arms drill. Inter-squad competitions may be organized to create interest.
Cadets generally take keen interest in wpn trg and firing. Units must liaise with nearby Service and Para-Military Units to ensure that all cdts get an opportunity to fire their authorized amn. Use of firing simulators may be made to optimize trg efforts where possible.
Adventure activities have been incorporated in NCC training with the aim of inculcating and strengthening leadership traits amongst the cadets. These activities in NCC can be broadly divided into the following.
A 30-station computer lab with server and internet facility is available, and students can make use of this facility for presentations etc