Lakme’s Beauty Dooh Campaign at DLF Mall

Diginet Crafts Lakme's Beauty Legacy


Lakme aimed to increase brand awareness, drive sales, and create an unforgettable beauty experience for shoppers at DLF Mall of India.


Diginet designed a comprehensive digital out-of-home (DOOH) campaign to achieve Lakme’s objectives. The strategy included:

  • Leveraging outdoor and indoor digital displays to target a large audience
  • Showcasing impactful visuals and engaging content to capture shoppers’ attention
  • Utilizing data-driven insights to optimize campaign performance


Diginet executed the campaign by installing:

Outdoor Active LED Display: A large, high-resolution LED screen outside the mall

Pillar Screen inside Mall: Strategically placed at high foot traffic areas

Large Format Display at Mall Atrium: A massive digital display showcasing Lakme’s brand story and product range


  • 25% increase in brand engagement
  • 30% sales uplift
  • 40% increase in brand awareness
  • Unforgettable beauty experience for shoppers

Key Takeaway of Dooh Advertising

Strategic digital advertising can significantly impact brand awareness, sales, and customer experience in the beauty industry. By leveraging innovative DOOH campaigns, brands can create memorable experiences that resonate with their target audience.

The beauty industry has witnessed significant growth in recent years, and DOOH marketing has played a crucial role in this phenomenon. DOOH advertising offers the beauty industry a unique platform to showcase products, engage with customers, and create immersive brand experiences.


Diginet’s innovative DOOH campaign helped Lakme achieve its marketing goals, creating a memorable beauty experience for shoppers at DLF Mall. The partnership demonstrates the power of strategic digital advertising in the beauty industry.

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